When buying auto insurance in Clovis, there are a lot of options and selecting the best Clovis auto insurance agent for your needs takes more work than just driving to the closest agent’s office. It’s assumed you’re looking for a competent insurance agent, but you also want great rates as well.
With companies like Farmers, Allstate, and independent agents having offices in Clovis, it can be hard to know which provider will provide you with the cheapest rates and the best coverage. Thankfully, you can use insurance quotes online to get a list of agencies and thier coverage prices.
Clovis agents for auto insurance
Professional agents can point out coverage gaps and give you peace of mind. The biggest benefit of price shopping on the web is the fact that you can find the best rates and still choose a local agent. And providing support for local agencies is important especially in Clovis.
By using this quick form, the coverage information gets sent to insurance agents in Clovis who will give you bids for your coverage. You don’t have to visit any agencies because quoted prices will be sent straight to your inbox. It doesn’t get any easier! You can find the lowest rates without the usual hassles of price shopping.
Independent or Captive: It’s your choice
When researching a reliable agent, you must know there are a couple different agency structures that you can select. Agencies in Clovis are classified as either independent or captive.
Independent Agencies or Brokers
Independent agencies are not employed by any specific company but instead can place your coverage amongst many companies enabling the ability to shop coverage around. If your agent finds better pricing, the business is moved internally and you won’t have to switch agencies.
When shopping rates, we recommend you include several independent insurance agents to ensure the widest selection of prices.
Shown below is a short list of independent agencies in Clovis that may be able to provide comparison quotes.
Colonvial Western Agency Inc – 3134 Willow Ave – Clovis, CA 93612 – (559) 291-9031
Eric Dill Insurance – 825 W Ashlan Ave # 102 – Clovis, CA 93612 – (559) 291-7703
Central Sierra Insurance Svc – 95 W Shaw Ave # 103 – Clovis, CA 93612 – (559) 297-6585
Captive Insurance Agents
Captive agents can only write with one company and some examples include AAA, Allstate and State Farm. These agents are unable to shop your coverage around so they have no alternatives for high prices. Captive agents are usually quite knowledgeable on their company’s products which can be an advantage.
Listed below are Clovis captive agents that are able to give price quote information.
Farmers Insurance Group – 330 W Bullard Ave – Clovis, CA 93612 – (559) 321-0250
State Farm Insurance – 1275 Shaw Ave – Clovis, CA 93612 – (559) 299-2111
Allstate Insurance – 1141 Pollasky Ave # A – Clovis, CA 93612 – (559) 298-6000
To view a complete directory of Clovis captive agencies, view this link.
Deciding on an auto insurance agent should depend on more than just a low price. Some important questions to ask are:
- How often do they review policy coverages?
- Is vehicle damage repaired with OEM or aftermarket parts?
- Which company do they place the most coverage with?
- Who is covered by the car insurance policy?
- If you have an accident, are you able to get your vehicle repaired at the shop of your choice?
- Is assistance available after office hours?
Upon getting positive feedback to these questions and a good coverage price, it’s possible that you found a car insurance agent that is a good match to properly service your auto insurance policy.
Have you considered online alternatives?
Auto insurance agents are perfect for certain consumers, but California drivers can also buy from companies direct over the internet. Even companies like State Farm and Allstate who employ agents also give you the ability to buy a policy online, so this should also be taken into consideration if you’re trying to lower your rates.
If you’re uncomfortable with not getting proper coverage when shopping online, don’t sweat it. Companies provide toll-free numbers for getting the best coverage. They also make available live help and 24/7 access so you can feel comfortable buying online.
Is car insurance cheaper online? A lot of shoppers won’t buy anywhere else, but it’s impossible to say due to the fact that there are many factors that influence your rates. Common sense would say that shopping direct saves money because there is no agent involvement. For most companies selling online, however, there are very high advertising costs and this drives up their premium costs.
The best way to determine where you can get the lowest rate, either online or from agents, is to set aside time to compare rates from both. You could possible even receive different price quotes when quoting both agents prices and online prices from the exact same provider. But it’s impossible to know if the lower rates are from agents or online until after you compare the same coverages each way.
Final thoughts
When you buy insurance online, you should never buy poor coverage just to save money. There have been many situations where an insured dropped liability limits or collision coverage and discovered at claim time that the few dollars in savings costed them thousands. The proper strategy is to get the best coverage possible at an affordable rate while still protecting your assets.
Drivers change insurance companies for many reasons like denial of a claim, delays in paying claims, poor customer service and even policy cancellation. Regardless of your reason, switching auto insurance companies is actually quite simple.
To find out more about California auto insurance
More information is available on the website for the California Department of Insurance. Click here for link. Consumers can find out which companies have the most complaints, view agent and company licensing information, and view a list of available companies.
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