When searching for an insurance agent in Bremerton, Washington, you can always begin your search by getting online comparison quotes to save yourself time. It’s assumed you’re looking for an excellent agent, but also affordable coverage.
With companies like Allstate, Farmers and State Farm as well as independent agents all competing for business in Bremerton, consumers have a hard time knowing which car insurance agent will provide you with the best service and rates. To begin, consumers can use insurance quotes online to build a list of insurance agents from which to choose.
Online quotes help locate Bremerton agents
Licensed agents can point out coverage gaps and help you file claims. One of the great benefits of getting online price quotes is that you can obtain the lowest rates and still choose a local agent. Buying from local businesses is important particularly in Bremerton.
To find an agent, once you fill out this form (opens in new window), your coverage information is submitted to companies in Bremerton who will compete for your coverage. You never need to leave your house since price quotes are sent straight to your inbox. Now that’s easy!
Different types of car insurance agents in Bremerton
When researching a reputable insurance agent or broker, there are two types of insurance agents that differ in how they can insure your vehicles. Bremerton agents are categorized either captive or independent (non-captive). Both properly insure your vehicles, but it’s important to know the differences because it can influence your selection of an agent.
Independent Agencies or Brokers
These agents are not required to write business for one company so they can insure your vehicles with multiple insurance companies and possibly get better coverage at lower prices. If your agent finds better pricing, an independent agent can move your coverage and that require little work on your part. When shopping rates, you should always include multiple independent agents for the best price selection. Many write coverage with different regional companies which may provide better rates.
The following are Bremerton independent agencies who may be able to give you comparison quotes.
- Allcentury Insurance – 3331 Kitsap Way # B – Bremerton, WA 98312 – (360) 373-6895
- Daniel L Williams Agency – 3421 Kitsap Way # C – Bremerton, WA 98312 – (360) 479-2604
- Bell Anderson Insurance – 707 Pacific Ave – Bremerton, WA 98337 – (360) 377-8547
Captive Insurance Agents
Captive agents write business for a single company such as Allstate, AAA, Liberty Mutual and State Farm. These agents are unable to provide prices from multiple companies so it’s a take it or leave it situation. These agents are very knowledgeable on their products and sales techniques which can be an advantage. Some people will only choose to use a captive agent primarily because of the brand legacy and the convenience of having a single billing for all their coverages.
Listed below are Bremerton captive insurance agencies that are able to give rate quotes.
- State Farm Insurance – 1171 E Broad St – Bremerton, WA 98310 – (360) 479-3335
- Allstate Insurance – 4181 Wheaton Way # 1 – Bremerton, WA 98310 – (360) 479-9850
- Farmers Insurance Group – 4020 Wheaton Way # M – Bremerton, WA 98310 – (360) 479-5700
For a full directory of captive insurance agents in Bremerton, go to this page.
Deciding on an insurance agency should depend on more than just the premium amount. These questions are important to ask:
- How long has their agency been in business in Bremerton?
- Do they have adequate Errors and Ommissions coverage? This protects you if they make a mistake.
- Does the agency provide any after hours assistance?
- Do they specialize in personal lines coverage?
- What insurance companies do they recommend if they are an independent agent?
- What will you get paid if your car is a total loss? How is that amount determined?
After getting satisfactory answers to all your questions and an acceptable price quote, it’s possible that you found an insurance agency that meets your needs to properly service your car insurance policy.
Is buying direct online an option?
Insurance agencies are indespensible for some people, but you can also buy Washington car insurance direct from companies that only sell online. Some specific companies like Allstate and State Farm who employ agents also give you the option to buy online, so that should be considered if you don’t want to take the time to contact agents.
If you’re anxious about having to choose coverages yourself when shopping online, that shouldn’t be an issue. Online insurance companies all have client service departments for getting the best coverage. They also have live help and an extensive research center to help you answer questions.
Do customers save by switching to an online company? It’s difficult to say for sure because of the fact that insurance companies use many factors that determine your policy premium. You may think that buying car insurance online saves money by not requiring a commission. For most companies selling online, however, it’s expensive to advertise and that impacts the rates consumers pay.
Smart consumers save more
Low-cost car insurance can be found from both online companies and with local Bremerton insurance agents, so you should be comparing quotes from both to have the best rate selection. Some insurance providers do not offer the ability to get a quote online and these small insurance companies work with independent agents.
Drivers change insurance companies for any number of reasons including delays in paying claims, not issuing a premium refund, policy non-renewal or high rates after DUI convictions. No matter why you want to switch, finding a new car insurance company is easier than you think.
Additional car insurance information is available on the Washington State Office of the Insurance Commissioner website located here. Washington drivers can find a variety of consumer forms, read consumer alerts, and view agent and company licensing information.